n. 动脉, 干道, 要道
[医] 动脉
artery 动脉,干线,要道
1、aberrant artery [医] 迷走动脉
2、allantoic artery [医] 尿囊动脉
3、alveolar artery un. 齿槽动脉
4、angular artery [解剖]内<&14&>动脉; [医]内眦动脉:同arteria angularis
5、anterior cerebral artery 大脑前动脉
6、anterior meningeal artery 脑膜前动脉
7、anterior temporal artery 颞叶前动脉
8、appendicular artery 阑尾动脉
9、arcuate artery 弓形动脉
10、arcuate artery of the kidney [网络] 肾动脉弓形
11、artery forceps [医] 动脉钳
12、artery of the labyrinth [网络] 迷宫的动脉
13、artery of the penis bulb [网络] 阴茎灯泡的动脉
14、artery of the pulp [医] 髓动脉(脾)
15、artery of the vestibule bulb [网络] 前庭灯泡的动脉
16、ascending artery 升动脉
17、atrial artery [网络] 心房动脉
18、auricular artery [网络] 耳动脉
19、axial artery [医] 轴动脉(胚胎肢芽的主干)