n. 审计员, 听者, 旁听生
[经] 审计(查帐)员, 审计师, 会计检查员
1、assistant auditor-general [经] 总审计长助理
2、assistant chief auditor [经] 助理主任审计师, 协审
3、auditor general [经] (总)审计
4、auditor's certificate [经] 审计(查帐)员证明书, 审计(查帐)证明书
5、auditor's comments [经] 查帐员意见书
6、auditor's liability [经] 审计(查帐)员的责任
7、auditor's opinion [经] 审(会)计师意见书
8、auditor's report [经] 审计(查帐)员报告书, 审计(查帐)报告
9、auditor's responsibility [经] 审计(查帐)员的责任
10、auditor-general [法] 审计长, 总审计师
11、certificate of the auditor [经] 审查(计)报告
12、certified internal auditor [经] 注册内部审计师
13、chief auditor [经] 审计长
14、commission on auditor's respon-sibilities [经] 审计人员(审计师)职责委员会
15、deputy auditor-general [经] 副审计长
16、election auditor [法] 选举费用审查官
17、external auditor [经] 外聘审计师
18、field auditor [经] 现场审计(查帐)员, 外勤稽核
19、government auditor [经] 政府审计人员