n. 批准, 承认, 认可
[经] 追认, 批准
1、act of ratification and acknowledgement [法] 承认和批准行为
2、agency by ratification [法] 经追认后的代理
3、clause of ratification [法] 批准条款
4、exchange of instruments of ratification [经] 交换批准书
5、implied ratification [法] 默示批准, 默许
6、instrument of ratification [经] 批准书
7、letter of ratification [经] 批准书
8、ratification of agents's contracts [经] 追认代理人所订的合同
9、ratification of contract [法] 契约的追认
10、ratification of treaties [法] 条约的批准
11、subject to ratification [经] 须经批准
12、subsequent ratification [法] 事后追认
13、treaty ratification [经] 条约批准
14、ratification kits 批准工具包
15、conditional ratification 有条件的批准
16、instruments of ratification 批准书