n. 课税, 征税, 抽税, 税款, 估定的税额
[经] 征税, 纳税, 税制
1、ad valorem taxation [法] 从价征税
2、arbitrary taxation [经] 任意徵税
3、avoidance of double taxation [法] 避免重复课税
4、base of taxation [经] 课税基础
5、burden of taxation [经] 赋税负担
6、canons of taxation [经] 课税原则
7、charge to taxation [经] 计征税项
8、confiscatory taxation [经] 没收性税金
9、cost-of-service taxation principle [经] 服务成本课税原则
10、current taxation [经] 现行税制
11、dept of taxation [经] 财政部赋税署
12、diffusion theory of taxation [经] 课税的扩散理论
13、direct taxation [经] 直接征税
14、double taxation [经] 重复课税
15、double taxation relief [经] 减免重复课税
16、double-taxation n. 双重征税
17、equality of taxation [经] 纳税均等
18、expense of taxation [经] 征收费, 税务费
19、expenses of taxation [经] 税金