It's so boring you can stand and sleep!
Unfortunately, you won't likely get what you expect now, so be as flexible as possible and try to be satisfied with whatever happens next.
2008年,新加坡签发了15.69万份工作签证给外国人,是当地人得到工作总数的一倍多。 (意思是当年需要大量外劳,现在不一样囖。)
In 2008 Singapore granted 156, 900 work visas to foreigners and less than half that number of jobs went to residents.
2008年,新加坡签发了15.69万份工作签证给外国人,是当地人得到工作总数的一倍多。 (意思是当年需要大量外劳,现在不一样囖。)
In 2008 Singapore granted 156, 900 work visas to foreigners and less than half that number of jobs went to residents.