1、又名“白蜡树” 梣属落叶乔木,叶为奇数羽状复叶,小叶长圆形或长卵形,花绿色,果为翅果。
The rafters are made from ash.
My ash sword hangs at my side.
It's just a nice bonus when you're traveling to Ashenvale, but it is not required.
In Norse mythology Yggdrasil was a Great Ash Tree, also known as the Tree of Life.
Among the species headed north are the northern white cedar, American basswood, sugar maple, black ash, big tooth aspen, and yellow birch.
In recent years, it was researched and discovered that dictamnine and fraxinellone have the anticancer activity, and coarse polysaccharide can guarantee the liver and raise leukocytes.
She couldn't see much beyond the bare box elder tree in the front yard—not the bridge across the street that spanned the river, not the houses on the other side.
我坐在那儿,手执占卜师的梣木杖,脚登借来的便鞋。白天我呆在铅色的海洋之滨,没有人看得见我; 到了紫罗兰色的夜晚,就徜徉在粗犷星宿的统驭下。
Me sits there with his augur's rod of ash in borrowed sandals by day beside a livid sea unbeheld in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars.
Optional: In Auberdine get the quest "Trek to Ashenvale" from Sentinel Selarin. She's only around when someone completes "A Lost Master", so just skip it if you can't find her.
Optional: In Auberdine get the quest "Trek to Ashenvale" from Sentinel Selarin. She's only around when someone completes "A Lost Master", so just skip it if you can't find her.