1、水名 。即今河北省南部之洺河。源出武安县西太行山,东经监洺关北,自此以下,河道屡改,今则东流经永年县北折,汇入滏阳河。
Beiminghe Iron Mine human resource management system and method are established in accordance with the requirements for modern mining enterprise management.
Beiminghe Iron Mine's HR management method has achieved good performance in its practice and help improved the enterprise's standardized and precise management level.
介绍了P LC技术在北洺河铁矿选矿厂磨选自动控制系统中的应用,包括总体结构及系统功能。
The paper describes the application of PLC technology in the automatic control system of grinding and separation of Beiminghe Concentrator, including the integral structure and the system function.
介绍了P LC技术在北洺河铁矿选矿厂磨选自动控制系统中的应用,包括总体结构及系统功能。
The paper describes the application of PLC technology in the automatic control system of grinding and separation of Beiminghe Concentrator, including the integral structure and the system function.