凡罪疑者,俱令獬豸触之。 --- 《镜花缘》
Missel Thrush was the son of Orme.
捕猎画眉、獬鸫和红翼鸫 等鸟类并不违法,但使用灌胶陷阱的方法是违法的,立法者试图引入免责条款。
Hunting of song and mistle thrushes and their cousin the redwing is not illegal, but the methods used are, despite attempts by legislators to introduce exceptions.
捕猎画眉、獬鸫和红翼鸫 等鸟类并不违法,但使用灌胶陷阱的方法是违法的,立法者试图引入免责条款。
Hunting of song and mistle thrushes and their cousin the redwing is not illegal, but the methods used are, despite attempts by legislators to introduce exceptions.