Ah, how naive we were when we were freshmen!
Amazed. Your face looked like the cover of the magazine.
后,英姿勃发。 笑容荡漾。 妾讶君面尤类杂志封面。
Your face looked like the cover of the magazine.
I was absolutely convinced of the contrary up to that moment when she looked at me with stern surprise.
London is not a passive city or a particularly welcoming one, but I like the lack of rules, the quick turnover of ideas and styles and the cool indifference people have to strangeness.
Thee correlation of carbon dioxide with temperature, of course, does not establish whether changes in atmospheric composition caused the warming and cooling trends or were caused by their.
Thee correlation of carbon dioxide with temperature, of course, does not establish whether changes in atmospheric composition caused the warming and cooling trends or were caused by their.