I've never been asked to pay a bribe in Afghanistan.
She wrote a book declaiming against tourism bribery.
The defendant was also ordered to return the bribe money to his former employer.
Much of the alleged bribery was connected to fund-raising efforts in recent election campaigns.
At the same time, in April, Mr Roh's reputation was being tarnished as he admitted to graft.
LiuRuiFang finally met yellow, wanted to give heavy bribe let him leave jade screen.
The question whether we need more time to do the work hasn't been discussed.
Zhouwen Wang's son, bribe a glimpse at the depth (Henan Pingyu County North), built Shen, subsequently named the country name.
The most depressing feature of the report is the high incidence of firms in Russia—fully a fifth—that say they pay bribes often but do not regard it as a problem.
Having overheard them, the sinister Dapertutto produces a large diamond with which he will bribe Giulietta to steal Hoffmann's reflection for him—just as she already has stolen Schlémil's shadow.
The average "bribe tax"—the share of turnover paid by those firms that pay bribes—has declined from 3.6% to 2.9%, though booming economic growth means that the total of bribes paid is probably rising.
但如同近来涌出的案例所展示的,他们的国家在处理贪污和白领犯罪(一般社会里较高层的人的犯罪, 大多牵扯到贿络及内部交易等)的时候, 反应就像很多拉丁美洲国家一样,惊人的迟钝.
Yet their country is as shockingly slow as many in Latin Americawhen it comes to dealing with allegations of corruption and white-collar crime,as a rash of recent cases demonstrates.
但如同近来涌出的案例所展示的,他们的国家在处理贪污和白领犯罪(一般社会里较高层的人的犯罪, 大多牵扯到贿络及内部交易等)的时候, 反应就像很多拉丁美洲国家一样,惊人的迟钝.
Yet their country is as shockingly slow as many in Latin Americawhen it comes to dealing with allegations of corruption and white-collar crime,as a rash of recent cases demonstrates.