Taking exercise is closely related to health.
如今在这样一个人人追求健美的时代,一项新研究调查结果可能会令人们感到吃惊。该研究称运动实际上正是阻止我们甩掉可怕腰间赘肉的原因。 邿。
In an age of 'fitspiration', it might come as a surprise that new research claims that exercise is in fact what is stopping us shedding those dreaded love handles.
这次发现也有可能驳斥另一理论。通常人们认为这些巨石是由人工运输的。新发现很可能证明运输过程没有人的参与,而是冰期冰川移动造成的。 邿。
It could debunk another theory that the rocks were not transported by humans at all but by the movement of glaciers during the Ice Age several millennia earlier.
这次发现也有可能驳斥另一理论。通常人们认为这些巨石是由人工运输的。新发现很可能证明运输过程没有人的参与,而是冰期冰川移动造成的。 邿。
It could debunk another theory that the rocks were not transported by humans at all but by the movement of glaciers during the Ice Age several millennia earlier.