1、鲼科(Myliobatidae)中的几种灵活的大魟鱼 ,长有翅膀似的宽阔的胸鳍,有几种分布很广,尤其分布在暖海域。
Unlike stingrays, manta rays do not have venomous tail barbs.
When I'd go out with the dinghy, manta ray would escort me, dolphins.
When I'd go out with the 16 dinghy, 17 manta ray would escort me, dolphins.
The stately dance in the milky waters turns into a free-for-all, with hundreds of mantas bumping into each other.
A very large flat sea fish with triangular fins, the largest type of ray.
Mantas, easily recognizable by their pectoral "wings," stay near the ocean's surface, unlike other rays.
They leap-up to seven feet (two meters) high-then return to the surface with a resounding slap.
Manta rays regularly visit "cleaning stations" where small wrasse fish clean them of parasites.
Afterwards, back on the surface, I was ridiculed by the other divers for taking photographs of the small black snail instead of watching the manta rays.
But several times a year, when time and tide align, manta rays from throughout the Maldives converge here to feed in a spectacular coral-reef ballet.
One of the Dolphins that a researcher have seen is when it was plucking a bird's feather from behind, and tossing manta rays like Frisbees.
Within hours the plankton run out, the feast winds down, and the mantas plow the bay's sandy bottom with their cephalic fins to throw hidden prey back into the water column.
At the bottom of the bay, in the sandy area, occasionally, huge Manta Rays, and often, leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats.
Mantas, with their slow reproductive rate, are vulnerable to overfishing, so a robust tourist trade could give local communities an economic incentive to conserve the fish rather than kill them.
Graceful and efficient, 2, 000-pound mantas feed on Indian Ocean krill as silversides swirl around them in Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives.
These massive fish (the wingspans of Maldives mantas can reach 12 feet) are dynamic filter feeders, shoveling their shoe-box mouths through krill like threshers through wheat, inhaling prey.
In the clear blue waters of the Maldives I once found myself ignoring a pair of giant manta rays just five metres from where I was kneeling on the sand staring at a coral outcrop.
Cue Manta birostris. "Just after high tide you'll see a few manta rays turn up, " says Guy Stevens, a British marine biologist who's been researching the Maldives mantas for the past three years.
Then poof, a whole group will move in, and you'll get as many as 200 feeding for two to four hours in a bay no bigger than a soccer field.
Despite their large size, with wingspans stretching up to 12 feet (3.6 meters), as many as 200 mantas may pack a football field-sized bay during these feeding frenzies.
这是一只小斑溪,翼展至少3米 体型与蝠鲼相似,它半透明的翼膜拂过树木,我们瞥见它口里露出猫爪般透明光滑的的獠牙 夸里奇的加农炮将他击成数块。
Shaped like a manta ray, it swoops through the trees on translucent wing membranes. We get a glimpse of glassy fangs unfolding from its mouth like cat-claws, then the cannon blows it into chunks.
这是一只小斑溪,翼展至少3米 体型与蝠鲼相似,它半透明的翼膜拂过树木,我们瞥见它口里露出猫爪般透明光滑的的獠牙 夸里奇的加农炮将他击成数块。
Shaped like a manta ray, it swoops through the trees on translucent wing membranes. We get a glimpse of glassy fangs unfolding from its mouth like cat-claws, then the cannon blows it into chunks.